Some of the events are not 100% accurate yet.
We'll update ASAP (more events to be added, together with photos and descriptions).
1: Okera-mairi (Yasaka Shrine) --- It is traditional to visit this shrine to obtain the sacred flame of Okera, a medicinal herb. The lighted roots of the terb are carried back home where fires are lit on which the first meal of the New Year is cooked. The herb is used to cleanse the evil forces and energies of the previous year.

1: Hatsu-mode/The first shrine visit of the New Year (All shrines)
(Photo=Heian Jingu Shrine)
1~3: Obuku-cha/Green Tea Service (Rokuharamitsu-ji Shrine)
2~4: Shinnen Kakizome/New Year's Calligraphy Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
8: Shofuku-sai/Festival of Happiness (All Ebisu shrines) --- A part of the festival called "Toka Ebisu." Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good fortune.
(Photo=Ebisu Shrine, located in Yasaka Shrine of Gion)
8~11: Toka Ebisu/Merchants' Festival, for praying for the prosperity of business (All Ebisu shrines)
9: Yoi Ebisu/Ebisu Eve (All Ebisu shrines) --- Traditional dance is performed throughout the evening.
10: Hon Ebisu/Main Festival of Ebisu (All Ebisu shrines)
11: Nokori Ebisu/Remaining Ebisu (All Ebisu shrines)
8~12: Kanchu Takuhatsu (Shogo-in Temple) --- Takuhatsu is a traditional form of alms, common to Buddhist monks in Japan. 100 monks start on their first Takuhatsu walk of the year.

9~16: Ho-onko/Religious Observances (Nishi Honganji Temple)
11: Shobo Dezome Shiki/New Year's Parade of Fire Brigades (Okazaki Park) --- It features acrobatic performances by firemen.

Second Monday: Seijin-no-hi/Coming of Age Day Celebration --- People who turn 20 years old in this year are celebrated.
15: Toshiya/Archery Contest (Sanju Sangen Do)

21: Hatsu-Kobo/First Service of the Year (Toji Temple)
25: Tenjin Matsuri Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)

1: Hatsu-mode/The first shrine visit of the New Year (All shrines)

1~3: Obuku-cha/Green Tea Service (Rokuharamitsu-ji Shrine)
2~4: Shinnen Kakizome/New Year's Calligraphy Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
8: Shofuku-sai/Festival of Happiness (All Ebisu shrines) --- A part of the festival called "Toka Ebisu." Ebisu is one of the seven gods of good fortune.

8~11: Toka Ebisu/Merchants' Festival, for praying for the prosperity of business (All Ebisu shrines)
9: Yoi Ebisu/Ebisu Eve (All Ebisu shrines) --- Traditional dance is performed throughout the evening.
10: Hon Ebisu/Main Festival of Ebisu (All Ebisu shrines)
11: Nokori Ebisu/Remaining Ebisu (All Ebisu shrines)
8~12: Kanchu Takuhatsu (Shogo-in Temple) --- Takuhatsu is a traditional form of alms, common to Buddhist monks in Japan. 100 monks start on their first Takuhatsu walk of the year.

9~16: Ho-onko/Religious Observances (Nishi Honganji Temple)
11: Shobo Dezome Shiki/New Year's Parade of Fire Brigades (Okazaki Park) --- It features acrobatic performances by firemen.

Second Monday: Seijin-no-hi/Coming of Age Day Celebration --- People who turn 20 years old in this year are celebrated.
15: Toshiya/Archery Contest (Sanju Sangen Do)

21: Hatsu-Kobo/First Service of the Year (Toji Temple)
25: Tenjin Matsuri Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
2~4: Setsubun
2: Mibu-dera
2: Tsuinashiki/ceremony to chase devils (Yoshida Shrine)
2: Okame setsubun (Senbon Shaka Do)
3: Setsubun (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
25: Baika-sai/Plum Blossom Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, from 10AM~3PM, admission 600 yen/adult, 300 yen/child)
2: Mibu-dera
2: Tsuinashiki/ceremony to chase devils (Yoshida Shrine)
2: Okame setsubun (Senbon Shaka Do)
3: Setsubun (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
25: Baika-sai/Plum Blossom Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, from 10AM~3PM, admission 600 yen/adult, 300 yen/child)
1~4/3: Doll display (Hokyo-ji Shrine)
3: Hina Matsuri/Girls Festival
14~16: Nehan-e/commemoration of Buddha's Death and Attainment of Nirvana)
21: Izumi Shikibu-ki (Seishin-in Temple)
3: Hina Matsuri/Girls Festival
14~16: Nehan-e/commemoration of Buddha's Death and Attainment of Nirvana)
21: Izumi Shikibu-ki (Seishin-in Temple)
1~18: Kano Chakai/Cherry viewing ceremony (Heian Jingu Shrine)
1~30: Miyako Odori Dance (Gion Kaburenjo Theatre)
4: Go-o Taisai Festival (Go-o Shrine)
8: Hana Matsuri/flower festival (All temples)
10: Sakura Matsuri/Cherry blossom festival (Hirano Shrine)
10~12: Kado-sai/Ikebana Festival (Daikaku-ji Temple)

14: Shunki Taisai Festival (Shiramine Shrine)
15: Heian Shrine Festival (Heian Jingu Shrine)
15~28: Kyo Odori Dance (Minami-za Theatre)
17: Yoshida Matsuri Festival (Yoshida Shrine)
21~29: Mibu Kyogen (Mibu Temple)
1~30: Miyako Odori Dance (Gion Kaburenjo Theatre)
4: Go-o Taisai Festival (Go-o Shrine)
8: Hana Matsuri/flower festival (All temples)
10: Sakura Matsuri/Cherry blossom festival (Hirano Shrine)
10~12: Kado-sai/Ikebana Festival (Daikaku-ji Temple)

14: Shunki Taisai Festival (Shiramine Shrine)
15: Heian Shrine Festival (Heian Jingu Shrine)
15~28: Kyo Odori Dance (Minami-za Theatre)
17: Yoshida Matsuri Festival (Yoshida Shrine)
21~29: Mibu Kyogen (Mibu Temple)
1~4: Nenbutsu Kyogen (Senbon Enma Do)
1~4: Shinsen-en Kyogen (Shinsen-en)
1~24: Kamogawa Odori Dance (Ponto-cho Kaburenjo Theatare)
2: Ochatsubo Dochu/parade of tea jars
3: Constitution Day
5: Jishu Mmatsuri Festival (Jishu Jinja Shrine)
5: Kodomo-no-hi/Children's Day
15: Aoi Matsuri/Hollyhock Festival
21: Gotan-e (Nishi Honganji Temple)
1~4: Shinsen-en Kyogen (Shinsen-en)
1~24: Kamogawa Odori Dance (Ponto-cho Kaburenjo Theatare)
2: Ochatsubo Dochu/parade of tea jars
3: Constitution Day
5: Jishu Mmatsuri Festival (Jishu Jinja Shrine)
5: Kodomo-no-hi/Children's Day
15: Aoi Matsuri/Hollyhock Festival
21: Gotan-e (Nishi Honganji Temple)
1: Kaminari-yoke Taisai Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
1~2: Kyoto Noh Takigi (Heian Jingu Shrine)
5: Eisai-ki (Ken-nin ji Temple)
5~6: Oda Nobunaga Service (Hon-no ji Temple)
8: Iris viewing (Heian Jinju Shrine)
9~12: Toki-ichi/pottery fair (Senbon Shaka-do)
12: Yatsuhashi Ki Matsuri Festival (Hon-en in Temple)
15: Aoba Matsuri/Green tea festival (Chishaku-in Temple)
15: Yasaka Matsuri festival (Yasaka Shrine)
25: Gotanshin-sai festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
30: Nagoshi-no-Harai (Various temples)
1~2: Kyoto Noh Takigi (Heian Jingu Shrine)
5: Eisai-ki (Ken-nin ji Temple)
5~6: Oda Nobunaga Service (Hon-no ji Temple)
8: Iris viewing (Heian Jinju Shrine)
9~12: Toki-ichi/pottery fair (Senbon Shaka-do)
12: Yatsuhashi Ki Matsuri Festival (Hon-en in Temple)
15: Aoba Matsuri/Green tea festival (Chishaku-in Temple)
15: Yasaka Matsuri festival (Yasaka Shrine)
25: Gotanshin-sai festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
30: Nagoshi-no-Harai (Various temples)
7: Seitai-Myojin Reisai Festival (Shiramine Shrine)
7: Tanabata Matsuri (Yasaka Shrine, Kiyomizu Temple)
7: Mitarashi Matsuri (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
10: Omukae Chochin/Welcoming Lanterns of Gion Festival
10: Mikoshi-arai/cleaning of the main Mikoshi (Yasaka Shrine)
13~16: Gion Bayashi/Gion music
16~17: Yamaboko Junko/Procession of Floats
17: Shinko-sai/procession of Mikoshi (Yasaka Shrine)
24: Hanagasa Gyoretsu/Procession of Flowered Sunshades (Yasaka Shrine)
7: Tanabata Matsuri (Yasaka Shrine, Kiyomizu Temple)
7: Mitarashi Matsuri (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
10: Omukae Chochin/Welcoming Lanterns of Gion Festival
10: Mikoshi-arai/cleaning of the main Mikoshi (Yasaka Shrine)
13~16: Gion Bayashi/Gion music
16~17: Yamaboko Junko/Procession of Floats
17: Shinko-sai/procession of Mikoshi (Yasaka Shrine)
24: Hanagasa Gyoretsu/Procession of Flowered Sunshades (Yasaka Shrine)
1: Gion Hassaku (Gion)
4: Kitano-sai Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
7~10: Manto-e/candle lighting (Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple)
8: Rokudo-main/Pilgnmage to Rokudo (Rokudo Ochino-ji Temple)
8~9: Kamogawa Noryo/Night stalls along the Kamogawa River begin
8~10: Toki Matsuri/pottery fair (Gojo-dori street)
9~16: Manto Kuyo/lantern lighting ceremony (Mibu-dera Temple)
9 and 16: Rokusai Nenbutsu Odori/Chanting dance (Mibu-dera Temple)
14~16: Manto-e/candle lighting (Higashi Otani Cemetery)
15: Manto-e/candle lighting (Toji Temple)
16: Daimonji Gozan Okuribi
20: Rei-taisai Festival (Goryu Shrine)
20: Yoi-kobo Manto-e/Chanting and candle offering ceremony (Daikaku-ji Temple, from 5PM)

23~30: Jizo-Bon/children's festival (local residential areas)
4: Kitano-sai Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
7~10: Manto-e/candle lighting (Rokuharamitsu-ji Temple)
8: Rokudo-main/Pilgnmage to Rokudo (Rokudo Ochino-ji Temple)
8~9: Kamogawa Noryo/Night stalls along the Kamogawa River begin
8~10: Toki Matsuri/pottery fair (Gojo-dori street)
9~16: Manto Kuyo/lantern lighting ceremony (Mibu-dera Temple)
9 and 16: Rokusai Nenbutsu Odori/Chanting dance (Mibu-dera Temple)
14~16: Manto-e/candle lighting (Higashi Otani Cemetery)
15: Manto-e/candle lighting (Toji Temple)
16: Daimonji Gozan Okuribi
20: Rei-taisai Festival (Goryu Shrine)
20: Yoi-kobo Manto-e/Chanting and candle offering ceremony (Daikaku-ji Temple, from 5PM)

23~30: Jizo-Bon/children's festival (local residential areas)
14: Manto-sai Festival (Hirano Shrine)
15: Konpira Kushi Matsuri/Comb Festival (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
Third Sunday: Hagi Matsuri/Bush Clover Festival (Nashinoki Shrine)
21: Reitai-sai Festival (Shiramine Shrine)
22 or 23: Higan/Autumn Equinox
22~23: Shinko-sai Festival (Seimei Shrine)
22~24: Meigetsu Kangetsu Sai/Moon Viewing Festival (Osawa Ike Pond area in Daikaku-ji Temple, 5PM~9PM, admission 500 yen)
15: Konpira Kushi Matsuri/Comb Festival (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
Third Sunday: Hagi Matsuri/Bush Clover Festival (Nashinoki Shrine)
21: Reitai-sai Festival (Shiramine Shrine)
22 or 23: Higan/Autumn Equinox
22~23: Shinko-sai Festival (Seimei Shrine)
22~24: Meigetsu Kangetsu Sai/Moon Viewing Festival (Osawa Ike Pond area in Daikaku-ji Temple, 5PM~9PM, admission 500 yen)

Sep.17~Nov.30: Special Viewing of ceiling paintings of 44 seasonal plants, painted in Edo Period (Hiraoka Hachimangu Shrine, admission 600 yen)
Sep 20~Nov.25: Temple Treasury Viewing (Toji Temple, admission 500 yen)
1~Nov.23: Temple Treasury Viewing (Ninna-ji Temple, 500 yen/adult, 300 yen/student)
1~Nov.30: Temple Treasury Viewing (Seiryo-ji Temple, admission 400 yen, and 700 yen including main hall)
1~3: Antique Grand Fair (Pulse Plaza, 10AM~5PM) --- About 350 antique dealers gather from all over Japan.
1~5: Zuiki Matsuri Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
2: Kencha-sai/Tea Ceremony (Otabishi)
4: Kankosai Festival
1~15: Treasure viewing (Ninna-ji Temple)
8~17: 300 Candle Light-up Ceremony (Torin-in Temple, 6PM~8:30PM, admission 500 yen and 600 yen for tea ceremony)
10: Shuki Konpira Taisai Festival (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
10: Temple Special Opening (Daitoku-ji Temple, admission 1,300 yen) --- 100 rare art works are displayed at the main temple.
Mid-month to early November: Kamogawa Odori Dance (Ponto-cho Kaburenjo Theatre)
14: Ningyo Kuyo Ceremony (Hokyo-ji Temple) --- They hold a service for the soul of old dolls stored in the temple.
16: Inzei Amida Kyo-e (Shin-nyodo Temple)
17: Saigu Gyoretsu (Nonomiya Shrine) --- After a religious ceremony, women in ancient costume parade to the Togetsu Bridge in Arashiyama area.
17: 25 Bosatsu Oneri Kuyo-houe (Sokujo-in Temple, from 1PM) --- 25 children disguised as Bosatsu express the world of Buddhist Heaven.
19~21: Hitsuka Ebisu Taisai Festival (Ebisu Shrine)
19: Funaoka Matsuri Festival (Kenkun Shrine)
20~Nov.30: Temple Special Opening (Choraku-ji Temple, admission 650 yen) --- The principal image of the temple is shown to the public.
22: Jidai Matsuri/Festival of the Ages (Imperial Palace to Heian Jingu Shrine, Reserved seat 2,000 yen/person) --- One of the three great festivals in Kyoto. A procession of thousands people dressed in ancient costumes, representing different epochs of Kyoto's 1,200 year history.
22: Kurama Himatsuri/Fire Festival of Kurama (Yuki Shrine, from 6PM)
22~Dec.5: Garden Light-up (Kodai-ji Temple, sunset~9:30PM, admission 600 yen)
22~Dec.5: Zen Garden Light-up (Entoku-in Temple, sunset~9:30PM, admission 500 yen)
22~Dec.5: Temple Special Opening (Kodai-ji Temple, admission 600 yen including "Sho Museum") --- Rolling and sliding door paintings can be viewed.
22~Dec.5: Temple Special Opening (Entoku-in Temple, admission 500 yen) --- Sliding door paintings can be viewed.
26: Unagi Hojo-e (Mishima Shrine)
29: Yokosai Poem Recitation Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
Sep 20~Nov.25: Temple Treasury Viewing (Toji Temple, admission 500 yen)
1~Nov.23: Temple Treasury Viewing (Ninna-ji Temple, 500 yen/adult, 300 yen/student)
1~Nov.30: Temple Treasury Viewing (Seiryo-ji Temple, admission 400 yen, and 700 yen including main hall)
1~3: Antique Grand Fair (Pulse Plaza, 10AM~5PM) --- About 350 antique dealers gather from all over Japan.
1~5: Zuiki Matsuri Festival (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
2: Kencha-sai/Tea Ceremony (Otabishi)
4: Kankosai Festival
1~15: Treasure viewing (Ninna-ji Temple)
8~17: 300 Candle Light-up Ceremony (Torin-in Temple, 6PM~8:30PM, admission 500 yen and 600 yen for tea ceremony)
10: Shuki Konpira Taisai Festival (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
10: Temple Special Opening (Daitoku-ji Temple, admission 1,300 yen) --- 100 rare art works are displayed at the main temple.
Mid-month to early November: Kamogawa Odori Dance (Ponto-cho Kaburenjo Theatre)
14: Ningyo Kuyo Ceremony (Hokyo-ji Temple) --- They hold a service for the soul of old dolls stored in the temple.
16: Inzei Amida Kyo-e (Shin-nyodo Temple)
17: Saigu Gyoretsu (Nonomiya Shrine) --- After a religious ceremony, women in ancient costume parade to the Togetsu Bridge in Arashiyama area.
17: 25 Bosatsu Oneri Kuyo-houe (Sokujo-in Temple, from 1PM) --- 25 children disguised as Bosatsu express the world of Buddhist Heaven.
19~21: Hitsuka Ebisu Taisai Festival (Ebisu Shrine)
19: Funaoka Matsuri Festival (Kenkun Shrine)
20~Nov.30: Temple Special Opening (Choraku-ji Temple, admission 650 yen) --- The principal image of the temple is shown to the public.
22: Jidai Matsuri/Festival of the Ages (Imperial Palace to Heian Jingu Shrine, Reserved seat 2,000 yen/person) --- One of the three great festivals in Kyoto. A procession of thousands people dressed in ancient costumes, representing different epochs of Kyoto's 1,200 year history.
22: Kurama Himatsuri/Fire Festival of Kurama (Yuki Shrine, from 6PM)
22~Dec.5: Garden Light-up (Kodai-ji Temple, sunset~9:30PM, admission 600 yen)
22~Dec.5: Zen Garden Light-up (Entoku-in Temple, sunset~9:30PM, admission 500 yen)
22~Dec.5: Temple Special Opening (Kodai-ji Temple, admission 600 yen including "Sho Museum") --- Rolling and sliding door paintings can be viewed.
22~Dec.5: Temple Special Opening (Entoku-in Temple, admission 500 yen) --- Sliding door paintings can be viewed.
26: Unagi Hojo-e (Mishima Shrine)
29: Yokosai Poem Recitation Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
1 and 3: Tea Ceremony (Nijojo Castle)
1~10: Gion Odori Dance (Gion Kaikan Theatre)
1~15: Meiji Era Exhibition (Ryozen Rekishi Museum)
1~24: Viewing of temple treasures (Toji Temple)
1~30: 753 (=Shichi, go, san) Festival (Yasaka Shrine, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, Ebisu Shrine and Heian Jingu Shrine)
1~30: Saga-giku-ten/Chrysanthemum Exhibition (Daikaku-ji Temple, 9AM~4:30PM)

1~11/20: Viewing of temple treasures (Shotoku-ji Temple)
5~15: Ojuya/10 day recitation (Shibyo-do Temple)
Second Sunday: Dancing nenbutsu (=chanting) service (Kuya-do Temple)
21~22: Opening of the Honmaru Goten (Nijojo Castle)
21~28: Ho-onko memorial service (Higashi Honganji Temple)
26: Annual Grand Tea Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
1~10: Gion Odori Dance (Gion Kaikan Theatre)
1~15: Meiji Era Exhibition (Ryozen Rekishi Museum)
1~24: Viewing of temple treasures (Toji Temple)
1~30: 753 (=Shichi, go, san) Festival (Yasaka Shrine, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, Ebisu Shrine and Heian Jingu Shrine)
1~30: Saga-giku-ten/Chrysanthemum Exhibition (Daikaku-ji Temple, 9AM~4:30PM)

1~11/20: Viewing of temple treasures (Shotoku-ji Temple)
5~15: Ojuya/10 day recitation (Shibyo-do Temple)
Second Sunday: Dancing nenbutsu (=chanting) service (Kuya-do Temple)
21~22: Opening of the Honmaru Goten (Nijojo Castle)
21~28: Ho-onko memorial service (Higashi Honganji Temple)
26: Annual Grand Tea Ceremony (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
1~25: Kabuki's Kaomise (Minamiza Theatre)
2~13: Gion Odori Dance (Gion Kaikan Theatre)
10: Last Service of the Year (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
13: Ofuku Ume (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
Third weekend: Shimabara Sumiya (Shimabara Kaburenjo Theatre)
21: Last Service of the Year (Toji Temple)
25: Last Service of the Year (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
25: Ominugui Shiki (Chion-in Temple)
31: Grand Last Day of the Year (All temples and shrines)
2~13: Gion Odori Dance (Gion Kaikan Theatre)
10: Last Service of the Year (Yasui Konpiragu Shrine)
13: Ofuku Ume (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
Third weekend: Shimabara Sumiya (Shimabara Kaburenjo Theatre)
21: Last Service of the Year (Toji Temple)
25: Last Service of the Year (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)
25: Ominugui Shiki (Chion-in Temple)
31: Grand Last Day of the Year (All temples and shrines)
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